Learn More about Clara King
Priest, Researcher, Revitalist
The Rev. Clara King is a Canadian Anglican (Episcopal) Priest who has been researching and fostering health in the Church since 2005, using tools such as Adaptive Leadership.
Through the workings of the Holy Spirit, Clara’s experience weaves together many differing theological positions in the Body of Christ.
Clara became a Christian thanks to the witness - over many years - of an InterVarsity Christian Fellowship summer camp. But she became a member of the Church at a progressive Anglican congregation. Clara received her Master of Divinity from Vancouver School of Theology in 2009, earning the award for Outstanding Graduating Student.
Over nine years, Clara ministered and missioned throughout the Anglican Diocese of Calgary, building relationships across theological divisions with congregations both conservative and progressive (and mixed!). Until May 2021, Clara was the Rector of St. George's Anglican Church, restarting this wonderful multi-ethnic congregation in working-class North East Calgary. She was also the first Rural Missioner to serve The Anglican Diocese of Calgary, nurturing adaptive change in small communities and broad systems across the Diocese and beyond.
She was the first chair of the non-denominational Flourishing Congregations National Partnership Council, based out of Ambrose University, and she’s been connected with the Community of Taizé in France for almost 20 years.
Now, Clara is a PhD Candidate in Practical Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. Her doctoral research will develop a new approach to teaching adaptive leadership and test it with Anglican, United, and Presbyterian clergy at ten sites in Canada.
Thus, even as she’s come to be rooted in the Anglican tradition, Clara has come to value and respect the diversity of gifts brought to the Body of Christ by the diversity of our traditions.
Together with her wonderful husband Michael, Clara has two adult step-daughters, two characterful horses (who often feature in her work), and a delightful Border Terrier named Jonah. They live in Calgary, Alberta.